Homework #7

Use the sample scenario in the book or formulate your own to demonstrate the representation of  a hypermedia document in one of the standards: SGML, ODA or MHEG.

"The presentation starts with some music. As soon as the voice of a news-speaker is heard in the audio sequence, a graphic should appear on the screen for a couple of seconds. After the graphic disappears, the viewer carefully reads a text. After the text presentation ends, a Stop button appears on the screen. With this button the user can abort the audio sequence. Now, using  a displayed input field, the user enters the title modification." (page 528)

Class will be held in the Multimedia lab on June 3rd. Sule Haným will be there to help in the implementation of your model with Director. Put all your hypermedia objects in your disk space at Beydag. Image, video and audio objects from your previous homework  may be used.