Bu sayfanin Turkce'si bulunmamaktadir

B.Sc. : Hacettepe Univ., Electrical and Electronics Eng. Dept., Ankara, Turkey, 1985

M.Sc. : Syracuse University, Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept., NewYork, USA, 1989

Ph.D. : Syracuse University, Electrical and Computer Eng. Dept., NewYork, USA, 1994


Spring 2024-2025 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502   Ağ Güvenliği Teknikleri / Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği


UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2024-2025 Courses

UBİ 523 / UTI 523   Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory


Spring 2023-2024 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502   Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği


UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2023-2024 Courses

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ/UTİ 553    Game Theory


Spring 2022-2023 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502   Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği


UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2022-2023 Courses

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory

UTİ 513    Information, Security and Privacy


Spring 2021-2022 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502   Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2021-2022 Courses

UBİ/UTİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory


Spring 2020-2021 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502   Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2020-2021 Courses

UBİ/UTİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory


Spring 2019-2020 Courses

UBI528/UTI502   Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi


Fall 2019-2020 Courses

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory

UTİ 513    Information, Security and Privacy

Spring 2018-2019 Courses

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ag Guvenligi

UBE 602    Algoritmalar ve Karmasiklik Teorisi

Fall 2018-2019 Courses

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ/UTİ 553    Game Theory

CE312    Data Structures and Algorithms I

Spring 2017-2018 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

Fall 2017-2018 Courses  

UBİ/UTİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ 553    Game Theory

Spring 2016-2017 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602    Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

Fall 2016-2017 Courses  

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

UBİ/UTİ 553    Game Theory

Spring 2015-2016 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602    Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

Fall 2015-2016 Courses  

UBE 623    Cryptology

UBİ/UTİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

Spring 2014-2015 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

Fall 2014-2015 Courses  

UTI513    Information, Security and Privacy

UBİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

Spring 2013-2014 Courses  

UBI528/UTI502    Bilgisayar Ağ Guvenliği

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

CE 223   Database Systems

Fall 2013-2014 Courses  

UBE 623    Cryptology

UBİ/UTİ 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

Spring 2012-2013 Courses  

UTI 507    Bilgisayar Ağları

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

CE 223   Database Systems

Fall 2012-2013 Courses  

UBE 507    Computer Networks I

UBE 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

Spring 2011-2012 Courses  

UBE 520   Paralel Programlama

UTI 507    Bilgisayar Ağları

UBE 602   Algoritmalar ve Karmaşıklık Teorisi

Fall 2011-2012 Courses  

UBE 507    Computer Networks I

UBE 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

CE 301    Logic Design

Spring 2010-2011 Courses  

UBE 520    Parallel Programming

UBE 507    Computer Networks I

UBE 602   Algorithmic Complexity Theory

IS 202    Database Systems

Fall 2010-2011 Courses  

UBE 507    Computer Networks I

UBE 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

CE 340    Cryptography and Network Security

Spring 2009-2010 Courses  

UBE 620    Parallel Algorithm Design and Analysis

UBE 602   Algorithmic Complexity Theory

CE 340    Cryptography and Network Security

Fall 2009-2010 Courses  

UBE 507    Computer Networks I

UBE 501   Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

UBE 623    Cryptology

CE 301    Logic Design

Spring 2008-2009 Courses  

UBE 520     Parallel Programming

UBE 528    Network Security

CE 302     Microprocessors

Fall 2008-2009 Courses  

UBE 501   Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

UBE 523    Cryptosystems and Cryptoprotocols

CE 301    Logic Design

Spring 2007-2008 Courses  

UBE 620   Parallel Algorithm Design and Analysis

UBE 528   Network Security

IS 202    Introduction to Database Systems

Fall 2007-2008 Courses  

UBE 501   Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

UBE 623    Cryptology

CS 101    Introduction to Computer Science


Research Interest  


Computer and Network Security

Game Theory

Parallel and Distributed Systems




 For further information, and publications see cv_in_eng, cv_in_turkish or link to Ege University academic web server meltem.ege.edu.tr



Send any comments or suggestions to dalkilic
Last update March 4th, 2002