UBE 501
2008-2009 FALL


Catalog Data: Discrete Mathematics and its applications to Computer science, 3 hours lecture.

Principles of discrete mathematics and its applications to computer science

Instructor: Dr. Mehmet E. DALKILIC  (mehmet.emin.dalkilic@ube.ege.edu.tr)

Textbook Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2007

Goals: To introduce the mathematical tools for describing data structures and algorithms and the concepts of modern

algebra as applied to the design of digital systems.

Prerequisites: Basic Mathematics Skills



    Note: Only a subset of homework problems will be graded.

   Class material ube501.rar

   Homework#1  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through in class  Quiz #1 on Oct. 16th 2008, 09:00-09:15)

               Section 1.1  (9, 27, 55)

                Section 1.2 (6, 15, 28, 42, 43,50, 59) 

                Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


   Homework#2  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class  Quiz #2 on Oct. 23th 2008, 09:00-09:15)

               Section 1.3  (5, 10, 19)

                Section 1.4 (9, 26, 31) 

               Section 1.5 (13, 16, 23)

                Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#3  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class  Quiz #3 on Oct. 30th 2008, 09:00-09:15)

               Section 1.5  (20, 33)

                Section 1.6 (8, 17, 31, 39) 

               Section 1.7 (6, 7, 27, 36)

                Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#4  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class  Quiz #4 on Nov 6th 2008, 13:30-13:45)

               Section 2.1  (2, 16, 20)

                Section 2.2 (9, 15, 42) 

               Section 2.3 (19, 30, 46)

               Section 2.4 (40) Read the definition of “countable set” carefully; Consider all different cases.

            Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan

Homework#5  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class  Quiz #5 on Nov 13th 2008, 09:00 – 09:15)

               Section 3.1  (15, 16)

                Section 3.2 (5, 14, 21) 

               Section 3.3 (1, 9, 10) Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#6  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class  Quiz #6 on Nov 20th 2008, 09:00 – 09:15)

               Section 3.1  (3, 7)

                Section 3.2 (12, 24)

               Section 3.3 ( 12 )

               Section 4.1 (5, 15, 18) Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#7  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in midterm exam  on Nov 27th 2008, 09:15 – 11:15)

               Section 4.1  (48)

                Section 4.3 (5, 13, 25)

               Section 4.4 (3, 9, 12, 28) Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#8  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class Quiz  on December 18th 2008, 09:00 – 09:15)

               Section 5.1 (57, 30, 22, 9)

                Section 5.3 (3, 12, 22, 33)    Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#9  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class Quiz  on December 25th 2008, 09:00 – 09:15)

               Section 8.1 (7, 28, 35 (only parts a,b,c,d),  and 48)

                Section 8.3 (4, 13, 14, 15)    Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan


Homework#10  (Do not submit. Your work will be evaluated through

                            in class Quiz  on October 8th 2008, 09:00 – 09:15)

               Section 8.4 (19, 24, 26, 29)

                Section 8.5 (2, 11, 16, 26)    Here are the problems courtesy of TA Sinem Aslan

Note: TA Sinem Aslan’s office hours is Wednesday 15:00 – 17:00. For other times please make an appointment.









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Last revised in Sept 24, 1997