UBE 507
2009-2010 FALL

Lecture on Dec 28 is postponed to Jan 11th.

Catalog Data: Computer Networking, 3 hours lecture.

Instructor: Dr. Mehmet E. DALKILIC  (mehmet.emin.dalkilic@ube.ege.edu.tr)

Textbook : James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 5th ed. Pearson, 2009

Goals: To introduce the computer network basics, application layer, transport layer, network layer and data link layer

with a focus on important Internet applications, such as wireless and mobile networks, multimedia networking and security.

Prerequisites: Basic Mathematics Skills



    Note: Only a subset of homework problems may be graded for each assignment.

   Class material slides

   Assignment#1  (Due date: October 12th, 2009)

               Problems P2, P5, P7, P24 of Chap 1

                Here are the problems courtesy of course TA Müge Sayit  

Assignment#2  (Due date: October 19th, 2009)

Do Wireshark Lab1 and Lab2 Submit your written results.


Assignment#3  (Due date: October 26th, 2009)

               Problems P7, P9, P15, P18, P20 of Chap 2

Here are the problems courtesy of course TA Müge Sayit  


Assignment#4  (Due date: November 2nd, 2009)

Do Wireshark Lab3(DNS) and Lab4 (UDP) Submit your written results.


Assignment#5  (Due date: November 16th, 2009)

               Problems 3, 10, 17, 23, 27, 31 of Chap 3

Here are the problems courtesy of course TA Müge Sayit  


Assignment#6  (Due date: Dec. 7th, 2009)

Do Wireshark Lab5(TCP)  Submit your written results.


Assignment#7  (Due date: December 14th, 2009)

               Problems 3, 6, 11, 16, 18 of Chap 4


Assignment#8  (Due date: Dec. 21th, 2009)

Do Wireshark  IP Lab Submit your written results.


Assignment#9  (Due date: January 4th, 2010  Happy New Year J)

               Problems 20, 25, 30, 31, 35, 40 and 42 of Chap 4

               Here are the problems courtesy of course TA Müge Sayit


Assignment#10  (Due date: Jan. 11th, 2010)

Do Wireshark  Ethernet_ARP_ Lab Submit your written results.






Note: TA Müge Sayit’s office hours is TBA. For other times please make an appointment.









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Last revised in Sept 24, 1997