UTI 507
2012-2013 SPRING

Catalog Data: Computer Networking, 3 hours lecture.


Final exams are graded.!!

You may come and see your final exam papers.

Also you may e-mail me (the instructor) to learn your grade.

Instructor: Dr. Mehmet E. DALKILIC  (mehmet.emin.dalkilic@ege.edu.tr)

TA: Sercan Demirci (sercan.demirci@ege.edu.tr)

Textbook : James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th ed. Pearson, 2013

Goals: To introduce the computer network basics, application layer, transport layer, network layer and data link layer

with a focus on important Internet applications, such as wireless and mobile networks, multimedia networking and security.

Prerequisites: Basic Mathematics Skills



    Note: Only a subset of homework problems may be graded for each assignment.

Class material slides

Homework #1 (Due date: March 4th, 2013)

1.Find the “Transmission vs Propagation Delay Applet” located in the textbook’s companion site.


Run the applet for the following 18  combinations and report transmission delay,

propagation delay and total delay for each (that is make a table). Also mark all combinations where the head of the packet reaches

the receiver before transmission is finished at the sender.

Length (km): 10, 100, 1000)

Rate (Mbps): 1, 10, 100

Packet Size (Bytes): 100, 1000

2. Find the “Queuing and Loss Applet” located in the textbook’s companion site.

Run the applet for the following 6 combinations for 100 incoming packets and report the number

of packet losses. (make a table)

Emmision Rate (packet/s): 350, 500

Transmission rate (packets/s): 350, 500, 1000

When the emission and transmission rates are the same queue grows eventually causing packet loses. Explain why?

For both rates are 500 packets/s, after how many packets we see the first packet loss.

Bonus: Can you extend the number of packet loss result for all combinations for 1000, 10000, and

10^6 (e.g., one million) incoming packets?

Note that you are expected to somehow analyze (or estimate) the results not to run the applet to this huge numbers.

3. Suppose N user share a 1 Mbps link. Also suppose that each user requires 100 Kbps  when transmitting, but each user transmits

Only 10 percent of the time.

a)     When circuit-switching is used, how many users can be supported?

b)     Suppose packet-switching is used. Show that when there are 35 users the probability > 10 active at the same time is less than 0.0004.

Hint: for part (b) use the binomial distribution.

Small Project Topic: Can you write an applet that shows the average delay for the ““Queuing and Loss Applet”?


 Assignment#2  (Due date: March 11th, 2013)

1.    Do Wireshark Lab1 Submit your written results.

2.    Do problems 2, 7 and 24 from Chapter 1 of the textbook. Here are the problems

 Assignment#3  (Due date: March 18th, 2013)

1.    Do Wireshark HTTP1 Submit your written results.

2.     Find the “Message Segmentation Applet” located in the textbook’s companion site. Calculate the end-to-end delay analytically (for msg size of 12 Kbits and packet sizes of 3, 6 and 12 Kbits ) and then verify your calculation with the applet. Report your results.

3.    Find the “HTTP Delay Estimation Applet” located in the textbook’s companion site. Run the applet for the following 6 combinations report the  total response time in terms of RTTs (make a table);

* Non-persistent connections vs Persistent connections without pipelining

* number of objects 1, 2 and 4

Verify your applet results analytically.

Assignment #4 (due date: March 25th, 2013)

1.     Do Wireshark Lab4(DNS) Submit your written results.

2.     Do the selected problems from Chapter 2 here they are


Assignment #5 (due date: April 8th, 2013)

1.     Do Wireshark Lab4(UDP) Submit your written results.

2.     (Minimalist bir veri transfer protokolü tasarımı)

Derste güvenilir veri transferi için çeşitli mekanizmalar gördük.

·       Checksum

·       ACK (Teyit mesajı)

·       Timer (zamanlayıcı)

·       Seri numaralama (sequence numbering)

Bir gönderici ve alıcı birbirleriyle tek yönlü iki iletişim kanalı ile bağlıdırlar. G-A (gönderici à alıcı) kanalı içinden geçen paketleri bozabilir veya kaybedebilirken A-G (alıcı à gönderici) kanalı mükemmel (paket bozma ve kaybı yok) dir. Her iki kanalda da gecikme belli bir d değerinden daima küçüktür. Kanallarda paketlerin sırası da bozulmamaktadır (in-order transmission). Verilen bu senaryoya uygun olarak gönderici ve alıcı arasında güvenilir (reliable) bir veri transfer protokolü tasarlayınız. Protokolünüzde yukardaki 4 mekanizmadan sadece mutlaka gerekli olanları kullanınız. Çözümünüzün verimli olması gerekmez; doğru çalışması yeterlidir.

a)     Gönderici ve alıcı Sonlu durum Makinalarını (FSM) çiziniz.

b)     Yukardaki 4 mekanizmadan protokolünüzde kullandıklarınızın protokoldeki rollerini (amaçlarını) ve niye güvenilir protokolün onlarsız olamayacağını açıklayınız.

3. Ders kitabının “companion site” ‘ında yer alan

a) Go back N protocol applet

b) Selective Repeat Protocol applet

c) Flow Control applet’lerini çalıştırıp farklı parametrelerle test ediniz.

Not: 3. soru için yazılı bir yanıt hazırlamayınız. Sadece o kavramları anladığınızdan emin olunuz.

Assignment #6 (due date: April 22nd, 2013)

1.     Do the selected problems from Chapter 3 here they are

2.     Do Wireshark Lab (TCP) Submit your written results.

3.     In the textbook’s “companion site”  run the TCP Congestion Control protocol applet with different parameters.

Do not submit any wtitten report for 3rd (Applet) question. Make sure you understand the Congestion concept, well.


Assignment#7 (Due date: April 29th, 2013)

·        Do Wireshark Lab6(IP) Submit your written results.


Assignment #8 (due date: May 6th, 2013)

1.     Do the selected problems from Chapter 4 here they are


Assignment #9 (Due date: May 27th, 2013)

Problems 5, 8, 12, 17 and 21 of Chap 5 typed problems

Do Wireshark Ethernet_ARP_ Lab Submit your written results

























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Send any comments or suggestions to dalkilic
Last revised in Sept 24, 1997