Collective communication means all
processes within a communicator call the same routine.
Portable applications should assume that collective routines
include a global synchronization.
The following simple code fragment employs four basic
collective routines to manipulate a statically partitioned
regular domain (one-dimensional in this case). The full domain
length is broadcast from a root process to all others. The
initial dataset is distributed (scattered) among the
processes. After each compute step, a global maximum is
determined for use by the root. The root then gathers the
final dataset.
#include <mpi.h>
int i;
int myrank;
int size;
int root;
int full_domain_length;
int sub_domain_length;
double global_max;
double local_max;
double *full_domain;
double *sub_domain;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
root = 0;
* Root obtains full domain and broadcasts its length.
if (myrank == root) {
get_full_domain(&full_domain, &full_domain_length);
MPI_Bcast(&full_domain_length, 1, MPI_INT, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
* Allocate subdomain memory.
* Scatter the initial dataset among the processes.
sub_domain_length = full_domain_length / size;
sub_domain = (double *) malloc(sub_domain_length * sizeof(double));
MPI_Scatter(full_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE,
sub_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE,
* Loop computing and determining max values.
for (i = 0; i < NSTEPS; ++i) {
compute(sub_domain, sub_domain_length, &local_max);
MPI_Reduce(&local_max, &global_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,
* Gather final dataset.
MPI_Gather(sub_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE,
full_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE,
Broadcast MPI_Bcast(void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
int root, MPI_Comm comm);
All processes use the same count, datatype, root, and
communicator. Before the operation, the root buffer contains a
message. After the operation, all buffers contain the message
from the root process.
Scatter MPI_Scatter(void *sndbuf, int sndcnt, MPI_Datatype sndtype,
void *rcvbuf, int rcvcnt, MPI_Datatype rcvtype,
int root, MPI_Comm comm);
All processes use the same send and receive counts,
datatypes, root and communicator. Before the operation, the
root send buffer contains a message of length `sndcnt * N',
where N is the number of processes. After the operation, the
message is divided equally and dispersed to all processes
(including the root) following rank order.
Reduce MPI_Reduce(void *sndbuf, void *rcvbuf, int count,
MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op,
int root, MPI_Comm comm);
All processes use the same count, datatype, reduction
operation, root and communicator. After the operation, the
root process has in its receive buffer the result of the
pair-wise reduction of the send buffers of all processes,
including its own. MPI predefines reduction operations,
Gather MPI_Gather(void *sndbuf, int sndcnt, MPI_Datatype sndtype,
void *rcvbuf, int rcvcnt, MPI_Datatype rcvtype,
int root, MPI_Comm comm);
All processes use the same send and receive counts,
datatypes, root and communicator. This routine is the reverse
of MPI_Scatter(): after the operation the root process has in
its receive buffer the concatenation of the send buffers of
all processes (including its own), with a total message length
of `rcvcnt * N', where N is the number of processes. The
message is gathered following rank order.