Geylani Kardaş, Ph.D. Professor Ege University
International Computer Institute Tel: +90-232-3113223 e-mail: Short Bio: Dr. Kardas received
his B.Sc. in computer engineering and both M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in
information technologies from Ege University in 2001, 2003 and 2008
respectively. He is currently a professor of computer science and engineering
at Ege University, International Computer Institute (ICI) and the head of Software
Engineering Research Laboratory
at ICI. He is also the vice director and the directorate board member of ICI.
His research interests mainly include agent-oriented software engineering
(AOSE), model-driven engineering (MDE), domain-specific languages /
domain-specific modeling languages (DSLs / DSMLs) and low-code software
development. He has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers in
these research areas. He is the associate editor of the Journal
of Computer Languages (Elsevier) and Computer Science and Information Systems journal (ComSIS
Consortium), responsible for coordinating the MDE and DSL tracks. Dr. Kardas worked and is still working as the principle investigator,
researcher or consultant in various R&D projects funded by both
governments and private agencies including European Union (EU) EUREKA, the Scientific
and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology (FCT), Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and Scientific Research Projects
Directorate of Ege University. He also
worked and is still working as the technical consultant in industrial R&D
projects conducted by various corporations. Dr. Kardas regularly serves as the referee / the panelist for the
assessment of both academic and industrial R&D project proposals submitted
to TUBITAK and inspects the progress of the supported projects on behalf of
TUBITAK. Likewise, he is an assessment committee member and a referee for the
R&D center applications submitted to the Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Industry and Technology and takes participation in periodic
inspection of accredited centers on behalf of the ministry. In the past, he
worked as an editorial board member for the Journal of Computer Languages,
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures journal and Computer Science and
Information Systems journal. He continually serves as a reviewer for many
well-known scientific journals such as Applied Soft Computing, Autonomous
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Journal of
Computer Languages, Journal of Systems and Software, Science of Computer
Programming, Software and Systems Modeling and Software Quality Journal. He
is also participating as program / track co-chair or organizing / program
committee member in several conference and workshop series including
and UYMS. He is a member of the ACM. Software
Engineering Research Laboratory (Ege-SERLab) |