Work Experience

since 04/2023


Ege University International Computer Institute, Izmir, TURKEY

·         Courses taught: “Multi-agent Systems”, “Object-oriented Programming”, “Data Structures and Algorithms” and “Programming Languages”

since 06/2020

Consultant (Part-time)

Masomo Gaming Ltd., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participating mainly in the improvement of the applied software methodologies in the company with the state-of-the-art techniques as well as guiding the production and the dissemination of the scientific assets achieved from the R&D activities of the company

03/2016 – 03/2023

Associate Professor

Ege University International Computer Institute, Izmir, TURKEY

·         Principal investigator of one international project funded by TUBITAK and FCT. Principal investigator of two national R&D projects funded by TUBITAK and Ege University, respectively. Researcher in one R&D project funded by Ege University.

·         Authored / co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed papers

·         Courses taught: “Multi-agent Systems”, “Object-oriented Programming”, “Data Structures and Algorithms” and “Programming Languages”

04/2021 – 03/2023

Consultant (Part-time)

Unit Information Technologies Research, Development and Automation Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the EU EUREKA ITEA labelled and TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “AIToC: Artificial Intelligence supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering”

06/2021 – 10/2022

Consultant (Part-time)

HERMES Communications Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the EU EUREKA ITEA labelled and TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “BUMBLE: Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering”

09/2021 – 12/2021

Consultant (Part-time)

Univera Computer Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated mainly in the assessment of the document responsibility collaboration modeling methodology applied in the company and the production of the scientific assets achieved from the related assessment study

09/2020 – 12/2020

Consultant (Part-time)

Aura Inc., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the Teknopark Izmir approved R&D project: “Fire”

11/2019 – 06/2020

Consultant (Part-time)

HERMES Communications Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated mainly in the creation of low code platforms for the business process management software of the company

11/2018 – 07/2020

Consultant (Part-time)

Kentkart Ege Electronics Automatic Fare Collection & Vehicle Tracking Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the EU EUREKA EURIPIDES labelled and TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “SMARTBUS: Smart Integrated Solution for Public Transportation Bus Fleets”

06/2018 – 05/2019

Consultant (Part-time)

HERMES Communications Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “Development of a SaaS Platform for Rule-based and Automatic Management of Business Processes”

05/2018 – 04/2019

Consultant (Part-time)

KocSistem Information Communication Services Inc., Istanbul, TURKEY

·         Participated in the EU EUREKA ITEA labelled and TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “ASSUME: Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution”

05/2018 – 11/2018

Consultant (Part-time)

Four Mobile Information Technologies Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the Ege Teknopark approved R&D project: “Scalable and Robust Rule Engine”

11/2017 – 04/2018

Consultant (Part-time)

Univera Computer Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the Ege Teknopark approved R&D project: “Development of a Metamodel for Dexmo Software Platform”

05/2015 – 12/2017

Consultant (Part-time)

KocSistem Information Communication Services Inc., Istanbul, TURKEY

·         Participated in the EU EUREKA ITEA labelled and TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “ModelWriter: Text & Model-Synchronized Document Engineering Platform”

12/2012 – 12/2014

Consultant (Part-time)

Kentkart Ege Electronics Automatic Fare Collection & Vehicle Tracking Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “Development of a CANBus-based Ecodriving System for Public Transport Bus Services”

11/2012 – 12/2013

Consultant (Part-time)

Unit Information Technologies Research, Development and Automation Systems Co., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated in the TUBITAK TEYDEB funded R&D project: “Model Driven Development of Composite Content Applications”

06/2009 – 02/2016

Assistant Professor

Ege University International Computer Institute, Izmir, TURKEY

·         Principal investigator of one international project funded by TUBITAK and ARRS. Principal investigator of two national R&D projects funded by TUBITAK and Ege University, respectively. Researcher in one R&D project funded by TUBITAK.

·         Authored / co-authored more than 30 peer-reviewed papers

·         Courses taught: “Multi-agent Systems”, “Service-oriented Computing”, “Object-oriented Programming”, “Data Structures and Algorithms” and “Programming Languages”

06/2004 – 06/2009

Research Assistant

Ege University International Computer Institute, Izmir, TURKEY

·         Researcher in one R&D project funded by TUBITAK and three R&D projects funded by Ege University

·         Authored / co-authored more than 20 peer-reviewed papers

·         Assisted courses: “Object Oriented Programming”, Advanced Programming with Java”, “Information Systems”, “Parallel Programming”, “Distributed Systems” and “Advanced Computer Architecture”

12/2001 – 08/2003

Research Assistant

Ege University International Computer Institute, Izmir, TURKEY

·         Assisted courses: “Operating Systems”, “Data Structures” and “Information Systems”

11/2000 – 03/2001

Software Developer (Part-time)

Tema Computer Inc., Izmir, TURKEY

·         Participated mainly in design and implementation of commercial web sites

Educational Background

09/2003 – 07/2008

Ph.D. in Information Technologies

Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Izmir, TURKEY

GPA: 93.86 / 100
Graduate Dissertation: Model Driven Development of Semantic Web Enabled Multi-agent Systems


·         Introducing a new reference software architecture for Semantic Web enabled Multi-agent Systems (MASs)

·         Definition of a platform independent MAS metamodel in which agent and semantic web service interactions are especially considered

·         Introducing a model driven agent software development process in which both model to model (M2M) and model to text (M2T) transformation steps are included

·         Evaluation of the proposed M2M and M2T transformations by considering development of real MAS applications for two different MAS software frameworks

·         Dissertation (written in Turkish) can be found in here

09/2001 – 08/2003

M.Sc. in Information Technologies

Ege University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Izmir, TURKEY

GPA: 88.13 / 100
Graduate Thesis: Use of Smart Cards in Health Records


·         Design and implementation of a healthcare information system architecture based on smart card technology

·         Design and implementation of a distributed object protocol in which smart cards participate in data transmission, data security and system authentication tasks

·         Use of JavaCard and Java RMI technologies in implementation

·         More info can be available in here

09/1997 – 08/2001

B.Sc. in Computer Engineering

Ege University Computer Engineering Department, Izmir, Turkey

GPA: 80.95 / 100
Graduate Thesis: A Web-based Hotel Reservation System


·         Development of an n-tier client / server application using Model-View-Controller architectural pattern

·         E-business application approach and object oriented system analysis and design

·         System implementation by using Java Servlet, JSP, Java Bean, Java Mail technologies, concurrent multi-thread architecture and Oracle database

09/1994 – 02/1997

High School

Bornova Anatolian High School, Izmir, Turkey

GPA: 4.55 / 5