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UBE 520
2011-2012 SPRING

Parallel and Distributed Systems Programming, 3 hours lecture.
Parallel programming techniques, architectures and algorithms.

Course TA (Elif Acar)



Textbook: Barry Wilkinson & Michael Allen, Parallel Programming Techniques and Applications Using

                Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers Second edition, Pren-Hall 2004



  • Calvin Lin & Larry Snyder, Principles of Parallel Programming, Pren-Hall 2009


Goals: To introduce the theory and implementation of parallel programming techniques.

Programming platform:

·        MPI (Message Passing Interface) on a 15 node Linux Cluster

·        Threads / OpenMP

·        Multi-core architectures

·        GPU (Graphical Processing Unit)


Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture and  C/Java Programming


Chapter 1. Parallel Computers
Chapter 2. Message Passing Computing
Chapter 3. Embarrasingly Parallel Computations
Chapter 4. Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies
Chapter 5. Pipelined Computations
Chapter 6. Synchronous Computations
Chapter 7. Load Balancing and Termination Detection

Chapter 8. Programming with Shared Memory
Chapter 9. Distributed Shared Memory Systems and Programming

Chapter 10. Sorting Algorithms
Chapter 11. Numerical Algorithms
Chapter 12. Image Processing


  • Assignments, 40% (+ 5/10)
  • Mid-term Exam, 25% (+/- 5)
  • Final Exam, 35% (+/- 5)


Homework #1 due date: March 1st, 2012


Homework 2 due date: March 8st, 2012


Homework #3 (due March 29th, 2012)

1. Write an MPI program to distribute MPI source files

to all machines in your Lamhosts file and to compile

them automatically. To be more specific your program

may take two arguments: a source file name

and a distribution list.

Note: When MPI nodes activated (e.g., lamboot) MPI assigns

a node id to each Machine. Thus, you can use these node ids

instead of taking a distribution list as an input parameter.

In summary, you don’t actually need a distribution list parameter.

(Thanks Murat Kurt for pointing this out.)

Homework #4 (due April 5thth, 2012)

Suppose you have N integers to be summed using p processors.

You can implement an MPI program for the above task;

i)            using separate send()s and recv()s,,

ii)           using a broadcast routine with separate recv()s to return partial results, and

iii)         using scatter and reduce routines.

Write MPI programs for all three implementations and execute, time and compare them

for N= 100, 1000, 10000 and p= 4, 8.


Homework #6 (due April 12th,2012)

Compare experimentally a fully synchronous parallel MPI implementation

and a partially synchronous parallel MPI implementation of the

heat-distribution problem described in Section 6.3.2 of the textbook.

Try different values of s in the convergence condition specified in

Section 6.4. Write a report on your findings that includes the specific

Speed improvements you obtained.


Homework #7 (due April 19th, 2012)

Here is the OpenMP programming tasks.


UBI 520 HW#8 Due Date: 03.05.2012


Java or .NET Thread Programming


Simulate the Gale Shapley algorithm for stable marriage problem.



Create n  m_threads and n w_threads, each representing a participant.

Each thread is in either the free state or the engaged state. Initially each thread is in the free state.

Each thread, when it is fired, creates a random preference list of the other gender.

Additionally, each w_thread creates the inverse list (as shown in lecture notes). 

Each thread keeps its state and its fiancée if exists.


Shared Variables:number_of_free_man (initially n). When a man becomes engaged,

decrease number_of_free_man by 1. When a man becomes disengaged, increase

number_of_free_man by 1. But be careful about the order in case of a disengagement.

Do the increment first otherwise number_of_free_man may go down to 0 causing the

algorithm terminates prematurely.


Algorithm for m_threads:

Each free m_thread offers to the first w_thread that didn’t reject it yet.

(Note the order that the free man proposes doesn’t matter.)

If its offer (m_thread’s) is accepted, the m_thread sets its fiancée variable and goes in the engaged state

 where he doesn’t offer as long as it is engaged.

If rejected, the free m_thread may go on to offer the next w_thread in its preference list.


Algorithm for w_threads:

Each w_thread that receives an offer must either reject or accept. If it is in free state, it accepts.

If it accepts an offer, a w_thread becomes engaged and never becomes free again; however,

 may change its fiancée when it gets a better offer.



When there is no free m_thread, algorithm terminates (When all man have fiancées, we are done).


Please make sure that you present:

1.     Your code

2.     Your test results for n=5 (preference lists, intermediate steps and final matchings)

3.     Run time results n=5, 10, 20, 50, 100 for average and the longest thread execution times in millisecond.

Homework #9 (due date May 17th, 2012)

F(x) fonksiyonun (analitik bir fonksiyon olmak zorunda değil, simülasyon sonucu da olabilir)

[a,b]aralığında minimum değerini bulmak istiyoruz. Bunun için [a,b]  aralığını eşit n parçaya bölerek

fonksiyonun bu noktalardaki değerlerini hesaplıyoruz. Daha sonra hesaplanan bu değerlerden

en küçüğünü üreten x değerini bulmaya çalışıyoruz.

·        Yukarıda açıklanan problemin çözümüne yönelik aşağıda verilen fonksiyonların

local minima’larını CPU’da ve GPU’da hesaplayan iki farklı prosedür yazınız.

__host__ __device__ float func1(float x)


return x * x;


__host__ __device__ float fun2(float x)


return sin(x);



__host__ __device__ float fun3(float x)


return sqrt(sin(x*x));



float calcMinCPU(float a, float b, int funcIndex) /* funcIndex hangi fonksiyonu kullanacağımızı belirliyor */





float calcMinGPU(float a, float b, int funcIndex) /* funcIndex hangi fonksiyonu kullanacağımızı belirliyor */





·        GPU’da minimum bulmak için kullandığınız paralel algoritmayı açıklayınız.

·        Her üç fonksiyon için [0, 1] aralığında CPU’da ve üç farklı blok konfigürasyonu ile GPU’da çalışma sürelerini ölçünüz.

·        Çalışma sürelerinin farklılıklarını yorumlayınız.

Cuda slides

MPI tutorials one, two,three,four, GroupComm


Startup document for MPI UBE_LAM_MPI.doc




Send any comments or suggestions to dalkilic
Last revised in Feb 12,1996





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